Aug 17th DTO Meet At TMP


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Busy day for a test n tune. HP Indy on left, RM Indy middle and Mattys R/T on the right.

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Matty sml.JPG (165704 bytes)

Attention Walmart Shoppers! We had to make a stop on the way to TMP. Turned into a photo op!

This perfect AC Cobra was one of two that showed. Ran high 11s low 12s short shifting @ 4k rpms

Finally a shot of Mattys RT with the hood down. Love the ramair hood! Very sweet


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Lesley.JPG (154218 bytes)

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Matty at the line

Lesley getting ready to make a pass

HP n a ricer (seems someone other then me redlighted )



Lesley snappin pic on return.JPG (132216 bytes)

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HP front.JPG (188552 bytes)

Here's Lesley snappin pics of the line from the return road

From one end of the spectrum to the other. Frame up resto Mini ran 16.8 with the Turbo vette running a 9

HP down n low on the trip home

Ill be adding slips when I scan them plus video of HP n Matt leaving the line. Got the whole pass but no zoom cause the camera was strapped in beside me on the tripod. Will add that pass I made of 14.24 with the camera running.

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